Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The Odyssey, By Homer Essay - 1679 Words

The Odyssey, a text written by Homer, originates from Ionia (a part of Asia Minor). This epic poem relates the journeys of both Odysseus and Telemachus. During their journeys, they encounter a wide variety of hosts. Telemachus provides Mentes a great meal and is later also given a feast from King Nestor. In addition, King Nestor also gifted Telemachus two horses and a chariot; Athena gave Telemachus the gift of wise advice, for which he used to go on his journey. And as their paths crossed in a meeting back in Ithaca, Odysseus is given food and allowed to rest by Telemachus just as his emotional need had been cared for by Alcinous through ending the lyre’s tune. The figures that host Odysseus and Telemachus during their travels highlight the importance of hospitality. As revealed by The Odyssey, the Ancient Greeks valued feasting, gift giving, and caring for the need of the guest as important values of hospitality. As a good host, Telemachus offers food to Mentes. Athena, in disguise as Mentes, is in Ithaca as a guest in the home of Penelope and Telemachus. Telemachus is in charge of Ithaca as the whereabouts of Odysseus are unknown. This feast, which is being given to Mentes, is described in a fanciful tone. In the company of the suitors, a â€Å"maid† brought out a â€Å"grateful golden pitcher†. Servants then set down â€Å"golden cups† to be filled with wine. The situation in Ithaca is dire as suitors are attempting to take over in the absence of Odysseus. Penelope and TelemachusShow MoreRelatedThe Odyssey by Homer1210 Words   |  5 Pages Homer’s â€Å"The Odyssey† takes place ten years after the events in â€Å"The Iliad†, to which the Odyssey is an indirect sequel, and the fall of Troy; even though the story is believed to have been composed some time during the eight century B.C.E. it is estimated to be set sometime between 1300 and 1000 B.C.E. in Mycenaean Greece during the Bronze age. 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